1.1. At GSR , we are dedicated to delivering high-quality digital marketing services that align with the objectives outlined in our Service Agreement.


1.2. Our team works diligently to ensure that our services meet or exceed our client’s expectations and deliver measurable results.


2. No Refunds Policy:


2.1. GSR does not offer refunds for any fees paid or services rendered, regardless of the reason. This includes, but is not limited to:


a) Client-initiated cancellations.

b) Dissatisfaction with service outcomes.

c) Project delays due to unforeseen circumstances.

d) Changes in project requirements.

e) Early termination of the project by the client.


3. Service Agreement:


3.1. Clients entering into a Service Agreement with GSR will receive detailed information about the scope, duration, and cost of the services.


3.2. Any specific refund terms, if applicable, will be outlined in the Service Agreement. Modifications to these terms require mutual agreement in writing by both parties.


4. Dispute Resolution:


4.1. In the unlikely event of a dispute related to our services, we encourage clients to reach out to us promptly. We are committed to working collaboratively to address concerns and find satisfactory resolutions.


5. Amendments:


5.1. GSR reserves the right to update and amend this “Refund and Cancellation Policy” as necessary. Clients will be informed of any changes, and the policy in effect at the time of service commencement will apply.


By engaging with GSR services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this “Refund and Cancellation Policy.” If you have any questions or require clarification on any aspect of this policy, please reach out to us before proceeding.

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